I was very proud of the girls yesterday. We went to Toys 'R Us last night to pick up our Toys for Tots donations. Elizabeth totally gets it. She understands that there are other children in the world that have mommies and daddies who can't afford gifts. But Brianna wasn't so sure. She couldn't understand why we weren't picking out toys for her!
So the girls were told they could pick out a toy between $10-15 and Elizabeth had decided she was going to pick for a girl (because she likes girls better) and Brianna picked for a boy. I had to set a limit, otherwise we would have walked out with the biggest toy in the place. :-) Elizabeth settled for a pink play phone and Brianna picked a Fisher Price medical kit (which we already happen to have). As we were walking towards the checkout, Elizabeth began to get frustrated because she was seeing other toys she wanted to pick instead, but we managed to make it to the front and make our purchase. Unfortunately the Toys for Tots people had already made their pickup so we were directed to QuikTrip down the street. The girls insisted on getting out of the car and coming with me to put the toys in. I think by the end, Brianna got it. At least she didn't put up a fight! I was very proud of them!
Ahh that's awesome!!! We did this the other day and brought it to a play date we had and Caleb did great too. Although I'm not sure he could handle doing it again haha! It's so hard at that age! So glad the girls made it through!!